Adjuvant therapy is used to decrease the chances that cancer will recur.
There is not currently a shot for preventing ovarian cancer. The FDA has been testing a shot for treatment or prevention of reoccurrence, but not for prevention. Perhaps you are thinking about the shot for preventing HPV and cervical cancer. That is Gardisil and Cervarix.
Radiation treatment is given AFTER cancer has been diagnosed.
cancer diseases
As far as is known, no cure for cancer has been found. Many discoveries may have been made through animal testing to bring us closer to a cure.
The best cancer treatment hospital is The Cleveland Clinic. They are highly rated and have been known for having people from other countries to have there cancer looked at.
Laetrile has been promoted as an alternative cancer treatment. According to the American Cancer Society, these claims have not been proven. It has also been promoted as a treatment for high blood pressure and arthritis.
It would depend upon the reason for the thyroidectomy. If you had cancer, then normally you would have to wait at least one year after treatment has been completed. If there was no cancer then just check with your doctor. I can see no reason why you wouldn't be able to start donating after you're completely healed.
to diagnose whether prostate cancer has spread to other parts of the body (metastasized), and to check the effectiveness of treatment. The test has been largely supplanted by the prostate specific antigen test (PSA)
The short-term nor the long-term effects of Synthol have been adequately studied in relation to cancer treatment. Synthol is used for muscle growth not as a cancer treatment. Source:
Oncopathology is the research and the treatment of breasts and nipples that have been infected by cancer.
kimo therapy is good for almost any cancer. it is a treatment many people under go after they have been diagnosed with cancer.