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The highest temp. is 130

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Q: How hot is the dessert?
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Can macaroons be used in fools as a dessert?

no because dessert is very hot

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Does the dessert get a lot of rain?

no. the dessert is really hot so it doesn't get much rain

Why are there fewer animals in the dessert than the rain forest?

because a dessert is a hot climate and some animals can't survive in hot climates

What dessert would be served with hot sauce?

A hot fudge sundae.

The climate in Egypt?

Hot dessert climate

Is hot cocoa a dessert?

No it is considered a drink.

What dessert starts with H?

Hot chocolate

What would it be like to live in the dessert?

would be hot and no water mi is soo hot and tanned and i am starving and lost in the dessert with my pet snake sammy, FML

Where do dessert animals hide on hot days?

Probably in the shade

Why does a Syrian hamster live in the dessert?

Hamsters can live in hot dessert because in is hot at day time and cold at night, and as hamsters like to ding tunnels so hot weather will not harm them, and as they nocturnal they can go out at night and hunt for food.

Facts about the Sahara Dessert?

it's hot, and it's in northern Florida