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It is safe to use Duncan Hines cake mixes for several months after it the best if used by date. The cake will likely bake up flatter than usual however.

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Q: How far out of date is it safe to use Ducan Hines cake mixes?
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How long after exsperation date is product safe to use cake mixes?

how long after exsperation date is cake mixes safe to use ?

Can packaged cake mixes turn rancid after the due date?

Packaged cake mixes can turn rancid after the due date, and before the due date if they're not properly stored. They need to be in a cool, dark area.

Can you use Duncan Hines moist delicious cake mix after date?

Of course you can. Cake mix has an expiration date, but it means nothing. I once used a cake mix 2.5 years after expiration, and it was still great.

How do you read the expiration date on a Duncan Hines cake mix?

From the Duncan Hines Blog: Every Duncan Hines product will list either an expiration date or manufacturing date on the package. This date can be found on the top of most packages. If the box has the words "Rec Use By" or "Rec Best By", followed by a date, then what is listed is the expiration date. As an example, "Rec Best By Apr 29 05" means the product should be used by April 29, 2005. For best taste and product quality, we recommend that the product always be used by this expiration date. Any remaining numbers and letters are a plant code which doesn't involve the use by date. If the product does not clearly state "Rec Use By" or "Rec Best By", this is an item stamped with the manufacturing date. Holding the package under a direct light, you will see a series of numbers and a letter either stamped in ink, indented or pressed into the package --- these are not the bar coded numbers which grocery stores use for pricing. The first number represents the year in which the product was made. For instance, a 4 means it was made in 1994, a 3 is 1993 and so on. The next 3 numbers represent the day of the year the product was made. An example would be 4122E42, which would mean the product was made in 1994 on the 122nd day, or May 2, 1994. The remaining numbers and letters are a plant code which doesn't involve the date. Duncan Hines Layer Cake mixes perform best if used within two years of the manufacturing date. Other Duncan Hines mixes and frostings should be used within one year. This time frame is only a guideline. If stored in a cool, dry area our products will remain fresh longer. Older mix is not harmful in any way; however, the leavening ingredient is affected by age, and the product may not rise properly. You can contact Duncan Hines from their site on the link below.

Is Hines Ward in jail?

No. The trail date for his DUI charge is set for October 2011.

In animal crossing what date do you find a cake shirt?

That is not exsact date. The cake shirt will pop up at any random date in the year!!

What are the release dates for Up-to-Date Cake-Walk - 1900?

Up-to-Date Cake-Walk - 1900 was released on: USA: March 1900

What do you do after you search the date in ghost story island?

you bake a cake :)

Are sugar free powdered drink mixes good after expiration date?

It has an expiration date for a reason. I would say nothing is good to ingest after it's expired.

How long past the expiration date can you safely use cake and brownie mixes?

Provided there are no liquids and the packaging is not damaged then indefinitely. ***I had to post this. Ignore this IDIOT that put "INDEFINATELY". NOTHING IS GOOD "INDEFINATELY" as far as Food. Did you ever hear of MOLD? Expiration dates are put for a reason.Go to SNOPES and then ask the question how long after expiration date can you use mixes - cake, pancake etc and you will be horrified at what you read and there certainly should be a warning on the labels- check out that, and I think you will throw away all your old mixes. Pancake Mix is the Highest risk to grow mold and if a person who has a mold allergy ingests it they can die. Mold is formed from Moisture & Yeast (1 or other or both)especially mixes directly in box or in paperbag inside box. Very easy for moisture to get in - so I pose this question: is it worth risking getting yourself or a friend or family member ill or possibly kill them to save $3 on buying a new mix?

What date was the vanilla cake invented?

in 1 b.c. the cave man and cave girls are chocolate cakes.But then a baby spillled milk on the chocolate cake and then the vanillla cake was invented.THE END

Where was cake mix invented?

History did not record who baked the first cake. The first modern cake, cakes as we know them, were created sometime in the 17th century. But cakes in one form or another date back to ancient times.