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You should plant them arond 3-4m apart

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Q: How far apart do you plant tangelo plants?
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How far apart would you plant to avocado plants?

6x4 meters

How far apart are plants?

Tomato plants should be planted 36-60" apart from each other. If you plant them closer it increases the risk of disease.

How far apart should seeds be planted?

Some plants can be planted close together and others must be farther apart. When you plant seeds, the package will tell you how far apart the plants should be. When you plant live plants, there should be a tag that tells you how far apart the plants should be.

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You should plant it 15 inches apart.

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How far apart do you plant watermelons?

Watermelon plants need lots of space. Seeds can be planted in hills or in rows. Space watermelon plants 6 feet apart in hills. Thin to the best three plants per hill. If planting in rows, watermelon seeds should be about seven feet apart.

How far apart do you plant watermelon plants?

Watermelon plants need lots of space. Seeds can be planted in hills or in rows. Space watermelon plants 6 feet apart in hills. Thin to the best three plants per hill. If planting in rows, watermelon seeds should be about seven feet apart.

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20ft apart

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because it does

How far do you plant egg plants away from each other?

If planting in rows 4.7 inches apart top to bottom and 5.8 inches left to right.