

How does wheat help your body?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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11y ago

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Wheat is very taxing on the body. First it contains Lectins which are proteins that are too complex to be broken down by normal body processes. They bind to amino acids that are broken down inside the small intestine and pass through the intestinal wall to get into the body. Once there because they are intact they have antibodies made against them which kill the lectin and what it is attached too (this is also very similar to the protein gluten). If it gets to your pancreas the antibodies will attack your pancrease and can lead to type 1 Diabetes. If it gets to your brain and nervous system it can cause multiple sclerosis. The lectin also affects an enzyme TG (transglutaminase) which affects every protein in the body. This can cause major health risks leading to many diseases. As the gluten continues to breech through the intestinal wall and be attacked by antibodies the small intestine takes a toll. Eventually a hole can be created. Why this is bad (basic terms): from your mouth to your anus there is basically a long spiral hollow tunnel that only certain things should be able to break it to get into the body. Once a hole is created anything, even the bile of the stomach can break through eventually leading to Crones Disease.

Then there is the grain anatomy. Although you eat the grain it does not stop trying to grow and survive. The seeds attempt to leech iron, calcium, zinc and other metals like the would in the wild in order to grow with acid called phytates. They are then excreted out of the body creating an "anti-nutrient" in the process.


Wolf, Robb. The Paleo Solution. Victory Belt Publishing. 2010.

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13y ago

Wheat is a natural grain that has one of the highest concentrations of vegetable proteins found. Wheat in its most natural state, a wheat grain is essential for our bodies as it has an array of vitamins and minerals essential for healthy body functions. It is also a valuable source of fiber. Some of the vitamins and minerals essential for healthy body functions foudn in wheat include B Vitamins, Iron and Calcium to name a few. This can vary according to the type of wheat and intact the grain is. If you're eating a refined wheat flour, white bread for instance, you're not going to benefit much from the naturally occurring vitamins and mineral found in the wheat grain. The essentials are striped away from the refined products and you're only left with mostly starch.

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it gives us calcium

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wheat help u with ur bones

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