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Q: How does watermelon help you stay hydrated?
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Can drinking milk with dinner help you stay hydrated?

Drinking anything other than alcohol can help you stay hydrated. Water is best but milk is OK.

Does hydration help with allergies?

Yes it does stay very hydrated Hope this helps

What food has the most water?

Many foods contain water, for instance most fruits. Here are some specific foods that contain water:orangespineappleswatermelongrapefruitlettucebroccoliwatermeloncoconutsThese foods will help a person stay hydrated.

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What are some tips to stay hydrated during summer?

Both and are websites that have information about staying hydrated. They include tips on how to stay hydrated as well as signs of dehydration and how to appropriately treat dehydration.

How do dogs stay hydrated?

by sticking their tung out

Is watermelon good for cats?

My cat loves watermelon. He has IBS and when he is going through a bad period it is the only thing I can get him to eat. Keeps him hydrated. It's should not be a primary part of their diet but it will not hurt them.

How do you stay hydrated in the desert with a girl and a boy?

Gender has no impact on staying hydrated. Just drink water.

What is given to a patient to recover from dehydration?

Eat foods that have high content of fluids: Although drinking water is the best way to stay hydrated, patients can also eat foods that have a high fluid content such as watermelon, lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, and yoghurt.

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Stay hydrated

What can happen if your body can't stay hydrated?

you die

How do you survive COVID-19?

Get rest and stay hydrated.