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I am guessing you wish to know about fish stocking rates. Its very simple really. The bigger the fish the more water it needs. The way it works is, 1 inch of fish needs a minimum of 1 gallon of water, every tank needs a cycled filter and every tank also needs to have at least 50% of its water changed every week. So a Goldfish (grows to about 10 inches) would need a MINIMUM of 10 gallons of water. A 10 gallon tank is not big enough because tanks usually have some kind of substrate (gravel base) and are never filled to the brim. A nominal 10 gallon tank would only actually contain about 7 or 8 gallons of water.

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When goldfish are in a crowded tank with other goldfish, they must absorb more oxygen in a shorter amount of time. A crowded tank of goldfish needs an air pump running to provide sufficient oxygen. (Golding,2010)

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Q: How does the size of the tank affect the the fishes breathing rate?
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