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Q: How does the consumer's perspective of quality differ from the producers?
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How do the interests of consumers and producers differ?

Consumers are interested in obtaining products and services that meet their needs at a reasonable price and quality. Producers are focused on maximizing profits by efficiently producing goods and services that consumers want. While consumers prioritize value and satisfaction, producers prioritize efficiency and profitability.

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Why are decomposers categorized as consumers. How do they differ from producers.?

Producers create food through photosynthesis, whereas decomposers breakdown dead or decaying matter. Decomposers do not make their own food, and so are consumers.

How are producers and consumers difference?

They differ in function. Consumers use. Producers make available, the goods and services that consumers use. An example would be a family, sitting at dinner: using electricity for light, produced by the electric company; eating food, produced by farmers; using plates, produced by a ceramicist; using utensils, produced by a foundry; at a table, produced by a furniture maker. Consumers use what producers make. All zoological and botanical entities (including people) are consumers. These same entities are also producers.

How does a heterotorph differ from an autotroph?

They differ in one fundamental way:Autotrophs fix their own energy. (They are the producers of the ecosystem.)Heterotrophs must get their energy from other sources. (They are the consumers, detritivores, or decomposers of the ecosystem.)

How do protists producers differ from plant producers?

Protists don't have specialized tissues

How do producers differ from consumers?

Producers are individuals or organizations that create goods or provide services, while consumers are individuals or entities that purchase and use such goods or services. Producers are focused on creating products, while consumers are focused on acquiring and using products for personal or business purposes.

How producers differ from consumer?

A producer is always at the beginning of a food chain. A producer will always be a plant. A primary consumer eats the producer. The secondary consumer eats the primary consumer. The scavenger comes next (if it gets there before the decomposer.) The decomposer will always be last. Example: (where there is a scavenger) grass --> rabbit --> fox --> vulture --> mushroom producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, scavenger, decomposer

Why are decomposers categorized as consumers and how do they differ?

A consumer is anything that takes organic material and transforms (digests) it into energy. We are consumers because we eat plants and animals, but almost all plants are not consumers -- they are called producers. Decomposers like bacteria and fungi break down organic material for energy, so they are also consumers. However, unlike other consumers, they exist in all tropic levels. Because they are indiscriminatory with regards to what they consume, they can decompose plants as well as animals. This allows them to be primary consumers, secondary consumers, or tertiary/quaternary consumers; or exist in many levels simultaneously.

What is to differ in opinion?

To differ in opinion means to have a different opinion or viewpoint from that of another person. It means to have a different perspective on a particular topic.

Explain how service producers differ from goods producers in important aspects of their operations.?

goods is the thing that are go no be sold. services is the treatment or providing things to sale

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