

How does celery help with dieting?

Updated: 11/11/2022
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11y ago

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Celery is good for ezee dieting because it takes more calories to digest celery than is contained in celery. A good way to incorporate celery into your diet is to use it as a snack and put a very thin amount of peanut butter on the celery to make it the greatest snack you have ever had. Similar Great tips and articles are found at

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Some of the best diet foods to eat while dieting are vegetables and fruit. Especially those that are low in calories but high in fiber. Celery, squash, are some good foods to look at.

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There are many places to find online dieting advice and suport group help and forums. One such resource is They have helpful advice for your dieting.

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Why do celery sticks have veins?

The celery has veins because the veins help the celery transport nutrians throughout the plant. Have you ever done the experiment when you put a celery in colored water? The celery's veins transport the color throughout the celery. It does this because the celery's veins transport the nutrians, so it does it with the water also.

Does eatiing celery lower chlosterol?

Yes, in some instances eating celery may help to reduce cholesterol. Celery is loaded with vitamins such as B, E, and K.

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You can figure out the number of calories and fat your eating

Why can't you lose belly fat after dieting?

The reason you cant lose body fat after dieting is not all about the diet it is about proper higian and exserse it will help to tell your doctor

What is the meaning of the word dieting?

Dieting refers to a person altering their nutritional intake. This may be by removing calories or certain foods and is usually done to help lose weight.

Is dieting beneficial?

There are numerous benefits from dieting. A lot of people have the wrong notion about diet, it is simply what you eat. Now for restrictive dieting, you eat healthy foods for example, is beneficial. Incorporating as much fiber in the diet is also healthy. The right kind of dieting can help you lose or gain weight, whichever your goal is.

Do the androsterone in celery help with your libido?

There is none. It's androstenone, which is unrelated.