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Acid pollution in clam growth could effect what they eat and the water temperature so yes it can

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Q: How does acid pollution affect clam oyster and mussel shells?
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How yo make concrete tiles from oyster and mussel shells?

Yes you can make out of it , Just by Pulvurizing the shells and add into the cement

Why oyster and mussel not need to shed there shells?

Mussels do not shed their shells. They are bivalves and all bivalves just grow larger by adding material to their shells as they get older.

When does started the use of mussel shells in decorations?

The use of mussel shells in decorations started early in human history and evidence of this use is found in almost every culture. Ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamian people used shells in decorations.

Is a mussel bivalve or univalve?

A mussel is a bivalve, which means it has two shells that are hinged together to protect its soft body.

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Why do you give hens oyster shells?

to help with their digestion.

Why do oyster not need to shed its shell?

The oyster's shell provides protection from predators. Oysters do not need to shed their shell because the eat and expel waste products buy opening their shells and pumping water in and out with hairlike structures call cilia.

Is a bivalve a crab or an oyster?

An oyster - bi (stand for two) and valves (stands for shells) - two shelled animals.

What are some mollusks with shells?


Why oyster and mussels need to shed their shells?

Oysters and mussels do not shed their shells. They are bivalve molluscs and their shells grow larger with age.

How do mussels get their shells?

They get There shells when they are attaching to the host so in about 1-6 weeks you will see a sell and then they fall to the floor and start free living and looking for a Mate. Also add me on Xbox 360. WeakenedGem396.