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Jesus Christ is the Messiah that was promised.

Jesus Christ is the Son of God (Second Person of the Trinity.)

Jesus Christ is God (Second Person of the Trinity.)

All the other prophets were just ordinary men chosen by God to present His message to others.

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Q: How does Jesus Christ differ from other prophets?
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How many profits in the bible claimed to be the messiah?

No true prophets claimed to be the Messiah other than Jesus Christ himself. False prophets may have claimed to be the Messiah, but no true prophets of God ever made such a claim.

What is the relationship between the two names Jesus Christ and Lord?

Jesus Christ is one of the Greatest Prophets who called people to worship the Lord or God, the one and only one God with no son, no father, no partner, no companion, and no associate. The other greatest prophets are Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Muhammad (peace upon them all).

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Among the prophets found in the lineage (ancestry) of Jesus are both King David and King Solomon. Other prophets in his lineage include Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

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Mormons recognize prophets throughout the Old and New Testaments, as well as modern day prophets today. All prophets witness of Jesus Christ and teach the people what God wants them to know. In a sense, no prophet is greater than another. Just as no prophet is more important as a child of God, than any other person. All are equal and loved in the sight of God. To those who believe in the Mormon faith, (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) the prophet Joseph Smith was said to have done more to bring people closer to God than any other man except Jesus Christ himself. This is not a statement of him being greater, or more important of any other prophet. It is more of a statement of what Joseph Smith accomplished in bringing people the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. It was a restoration of the teaching, ordinances, knowledge, and principles , and authority that were taught by the Savior Himself.

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Jesus Christ Jesus Christ

Which religions acknowledge the exsistance Jesus Christ?

Christian religions acknowledge both the present existence and Lordship of Jesus Christ, but most other religions acknowledge that Jesus Christ once lived

Who was the original leader of the Mormons?

Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the "Mormon" church) believe that Jesus Christ always has been and always will be the leader of the Church. They believe that Jesus leads the Church by revealing His will to leaders and individuals. The man who receives revelation for the entire Church is called the Prophet. The first prophet in this dispensation was Joseph Smith, Jr. The current prophet (April 2010) is Thomas S. Monson. Other prophets were called in other dispensations, such as those found in the Bible. These prophets - Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, etc - are considered previous prophets of the same church - the Church of Jesus Christ. Within the Church, local leaders may receive revelation from God for their own congregations, parents receive revelation from God for their families, and individuals receive revelation from God for themselves.

What prophets do Christianity and Muslim recognize?

Muslims, Jews, and Christian have the same God (Allah) and they recognize all the prophets who came from the time of Adam. The Jews on the other hand follow the Torah and the Old Testament and did not accept or believe that Mohammad (SAW) was a Prophet as he was an Arab. Christians on the other had believe that Christ was son of God, and some even take him as God. Muslims consider Christ as one of the great Prophets and that Prophet Mohammad (SAW), who came after Jesus was the last and final prophet. ______________________________________________________________ All God prophets are recognized by Muslims; including Adam, Noah, ..., Abraham, Isaac, Ismael, Jacob, Joseph, ..., Moses, ..., Jesus, and Muhammad (Peace be upon them). Christians believe in all God prophets except Muhammad. Most Christians believe that Jesus is not prophet; as Muslims believe; but they believe that he is God or son of God.

How is smith regarded by Mormons?

Joseph Smith? Joseph Smith, Jr. is considered a prophet by members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church). He is regarded just as Moses, Abraham, Isaiah, and other Biblical prophets are. Mormons believe that Jesus Christ restored the truth and authority of the original New Testament Christian Church to Joseph Smith.

What was Jesus's second name?

Back then they didn't have last names so it is only Jesus Christ to us. Although, he was referred to as Jesus of Nazareth in those times. The word "Christ" is a title and not part of His name. In other words it should read Jesus the Christ.

Who were the other great prophets according to Muslims?

They are five great prophets; namely Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (peace be upon them all).

Where lived Jesus Christ?

Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem and He travelled to other cities in Jerusulem. He also travelled to Galilee and he died on Calvery Hill.