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You don't use Body Language. Body Language is the subconcious way we move our bodies , especially eyes, mouth and hands, when we are addressing other people. With skill and practice it is possible to learn as much from a person from the way they position themselves, the gestures they make, the faces they pull, the tone of their voice and so on as one can from the words they actually say. ---- Actually, a person can utilize body language in a variety of ways as a form of communication. For example: Dominance/Intimidation: Stand tall, square your shoulders, make direct, firm eye contact with the individual you wish to dominate. Appear Friendly and Approachable: Relax your shoulders, smile casually, make occassional soft eye contact, if seated at a table then "open" your environment: place your arms in a comfortable position apart from one another. Don't Mess with Me: Narrow your eyes, cross your arms, don't smile, stand with your feet slightly apart and create a strong frame. (This works quite well in those situations when you don't want an eager suitor or other annoying individual to come up and bother you.) With practice, you can manipulate your own body language to evoke the desired response out of others.

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Yes. While it is true that most European cultures are known for their extensive use of body language, Italy is famous for it's hand gestures and body language.

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Can cats communicat?

Yes... but they dont use words, they use body language.

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They use a combination of body language and vocalizations.

How do you use body language in Australia?

Good day. That is what they say.