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With great care. For a short distance/time people use specially made plastic bags and air. Sometimes oxygen is added and also the bag may be placed in an insulated or heated container. Large fish need large bags etc.

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Q: How do you transport live aquarium fish?
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How long can a fish live in a non-oxygen aquarium?

Fish require oxygen to survive, so they cannot live for an extended period of time in a non-oxygen aquarium. Without oxygen, fish will quickly become stressed, suffocate, and eventually die. It is essential to ensure proper oxygen levels in an aquarium to support the health and well-being of the fish.

What does aquarium mean?

aquarium means: alot of water surrondering the fish that live in it.

What type of fish live in an aquarium?

fishes like whales dolphin and more big fishes can live in a aquarium

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They can just live in an aquarium with the normal pebbles on the bottom that all fish live in.

What is the name of a tank holding live fish?

Aquarium .

Do Jelly Box fish live in aquarium?

Its debatable

What is a fowler fish aquarium?

FOLWER or FOWLR is a kind of saltwater aquarium setup that doesn't have corals.It stands for Fish Only With Live Rock.

Can tropical fish live with Koi fish in the same aquarium?

No! because tropical fish live in heated water and koi in cold water.

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fish can live in a tank or aquarium and so can sharks my mum said i can go to the aquarium because i was good

What fish are okay in a fish bowl?

Bettas are. Goldfish really should have an aquarium if you want them to live.

What are the blue rocks in fish tanks called?

Aquarium live rock.

Why is the aquarium considered a mini-ecosystem?

An aquarium is considered a mini-ecosystem because it contains living organisms such as fish, plants, and bacteria interacting with each other and their environment. These organisms rely on each other for survival, creating a delicate balance that mimics a natural ecosystem on a smaller scale. The aquarium also has its own nutrient cycle and waste management system, similar to a larger ecosystem.