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I've trained my betta fish with two main things: light and food.

when you turn on the light before feeding your betta, for example, he will learn quickly to swim to the top of his tank and act cute when the light turns on.

if you want to teach your betta to do tricks...

--to make him jump out of the water, just hold up a really tasty treat, like a bloodworm, just over the surface of the water. when he swims to the top, don't be tempted to put it in the water for him. eventually his curiosity will make him jump. he'll remember this forever. so everyday, at about the same time, with the same conditions (light, sounds, etc) hold a bloodworm over his tank til he jumps for it. when he catches on and starts jumping out whenever he sees the worm, raise the worm a little higher. it is SO worth it. and the fish loves it!


--if you want your betta to be calmer when you change his water or move around his tank decorations and stuff, you have to expose him to what scares him, in a non-threatening way. for about an hour before taking him out of his bowl/tank for a water change, put the net in the water and let your baby poke around it and get used to it. when hes swimming around like normal when the net is in there, he'll be half as spazzy as usual. do it everytime you have to take him out, its worth it. bettas are curious and brave, but theyre total fraidy cats so give them time.

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12y ago
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12y ago

I don't know, but you can try this one;

Build a maze of coloured plastic (we don't want the fish to slam into walls; they are not too bright) which are removable and place food at the end. Let the fish work its way through the maze. If you are tired of it, you can always remove the maze and redesign it. It worked with Abigail(my female betta), so it should with yours too.

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11y ago

You may be able to attempt to teach a betta tricks, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it will be successful, or last for the long term.

You can do as such using perhaps a small hoop, and food as a reward, but remember to avoid over feeding your fish.

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14y ago

You can not train a Betta to fight. They do it automatically because they have evolved to chase away any possible competition for the tiny bit of water they have claimed as their own in which to raise a family. Under normal circumstances in the wild, a challenging male has the choice to either fight or flee, so rarely do they actually come to blows. In captivity neither fish can flee so there has to be damage done and the uneducated peasants still do this in their native land even though it is now illegal. To force fish to fight is cruelty to animals. If you have half a brain or any kind of conscience you will never let your Betta fish fight. Bettas have been bred for beauty for many generations and the colour and perfect flowing fins are what you pay for when you buy a Betta. Not its potential fighting ability.

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8y ago

Absolutely. There are countless YouTube videos of our little long finned friends doing tricks such as Jumping for food, swimming through a "hoop", flaring on command and other quirky things. The easiest trick to teach is jump for food. Go on, try it out. Have fun! :D

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11y ago

well i trained mine to do flips by holding the food about 5 cm above the water level and it jumped to get the food. im not really sure its actually good for the fish because mine died about a month afterward, i think it broke its tail.

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15y ago

Bettas are not trained to fight. They have evolved to do it naturally.

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12y ago

You dont exercise a betta fish

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