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A golden one is a hen. The lighter yellow ones are roosters. Hope this helps.

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Q: How do you tell the sex of a golden sex-link chicken?
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Related questions

What are sexlink chickens?

Sexlink chickens are hybrids that can be sexed at hatch based on their feather color. They are typically created by crossing specific breeds that exhibit distinct differences in feather color between male and female chicks. This makes it easier for farmers and breeders to identify and separate males from females early on.

Is sex better than fried chicken?

Depends on the chicken and who your having sex with

Do golden sex-link chickens have the same temperment as Rhode Island Reds?

Golden sex-link chickens are typically known to have a mild temperament, similar to Rhode Island Reds. However, individual temperament can vary based on genetics and how the chicken was raised. It's best to observe and interact with each chicken to understand its temperament.

Can you tell the sex of a chicken by the position in the nest when chicken is sitting?

No. UPDATE: Yes, in way you can actually tell, because roosters don't lay eggs and therefore don't sit on nests. So when your chicken starts laying eggs, you know its a "girl" (girl chicken= a chicken or hen, boy chicken = a rooster or cock) Roosters also crow and their combs and tail are most of the time (depends on the breed) bigger.

How can you tell the sex of a baby chicken?

Several similar questions have already been asked here. A quick search should turn the answers up for you.

Is there a way to determine the sex of a chicken from eggs?

No. It is hard enough to sex a day old chick. There is only one way see into an egg and that is by candling. Candling only shows dark shadows and no definition. There is absolutely no way to tell from shadows what sex a chick is.

If you change the temerture of the egg will it change the sex of a chicken when it hatches?

No, the temperature at which an egg is incubated does not determine the sex of a chicken. The sex of a chicken is determined by its genetics, with males having ZZ chromosomes and females having ZW chromosomes. Temperature can affect egg development and hatch rate, but not the sex of the chick.

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The registry is open to both same-sex and opposite sex couples. The couple must be residents of Golden Valley.