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Roosters have spurs, hens do not. ..prinsesrau's depends on if there chicks or chickens. chicks the poop is different and roosters have long legs u can also tell when u spread there wings apart.chickens, roosters again are taller and grow claws on the side other there legs. hens lay eggs of course. and roosters tend to put up i fight and can be very hoststyle

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15y ago
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17y ago
  • The male has a larger body, comb, and wattles than the female.
  • In single-comb birds the male's comb will be turgid and stand erect, whereas the female's may flop over on one side.
  • The male has a larger, more developed spur than does the female.
  • Roosters crow, while hens do not.
  • In multicolored varieties, the male will have more variety of coloring in his plumage than the female.
  • The male has longer and more pointed hackle feathers than the female.
  • The male and female both have main tail feathers, but only the male has saddle feathers.
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12y ago

You can try determining this by many different old fashioned methods or wait till he crows or lays an egg.

Here are a couple of the old fashioned methods I have used. One is to hold the baby chick in the cup of your hand and very gently pull her up by the head with the thumb and forefinger of your other hand until the feet are no longer resting on your cupped hand. Hens will relax and stretch out and comply, Roosters will struggle and fight. REMEMBER THESE ARE NOT 100% PROVEN METHODS. As the chicks start growing larger, the roosters get a divit in their chests and the hens have a more fuller breast. Other than the larger red comb and the crowing for the roosters that come about 3 or 4 months old.... that is all I know.

there are a number of ways, sometimes the bigger the tail feathers the more likely it is to be a boy (depending on the breed though) the comb and waddle is usually bigger on a boy, they crow, they are more dominant then girls, girls lay eggs, if there is more then one boy they will fight, and on their legs, close to their feet, boys will grow long and pointy spurs to fight with, they will get these as they grow.

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12y ago

There are a few ways to do this. Most, if not all of them, involve the chicken being mostly grown up. If you take it to a professional chicken sexer, then they can tell, but for the average person:

Cocks (male chickens) generally have what's called "sickle feathers" in their tails. These are long and kind of pointy, and don't look like a hen's tail feathers. (Cocks still have hen feathers, they just have the sickles in addition.) They also have saddle feathers, feathers that are long and almost feather-like and cover the cock's lower back and tail base. Cocks also have spurs, or pointy toes that stick straight out of the cock's shin. (Hens can also have these, but they're much more prominent in cocks.) In general, cocks have larger combs and waddles than hens. Lastly, cocks have hackles, or feathers on the bird's head and neck that almost look separated from the rest of the cock.

Hens (female chickens) do not have sickle feathers or saddle feathers. Some hens do have tiny spurs, but many, if not most, don't have them. Hens in general have smaller waddles and combs than cocks, and are usually paler in color if the hen is laying. Hens do not have hackles, either. You could say that a hen is just a stripped-down cock, I suppose.

Perhaps the best way to tell whether your chicken is a male or a female is when they start crowing or laying!

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6y ago

Okay, first of all you give It some Pizza.

then you give It an ice cream Sunday.

then It will tell you.
Ways to tell if a chicken is male or female:

  • If the chicken crows it is a male
  • If the chicken lays eggs it is female
  • Male chickens usually have large combs on their heads
  • Female chickens have rounded tail feathers
  • Male chickens have pointed tail feathers

You don't sex chickens, you sex chicks, and none of the above information will help.

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7y ago

You can't really determine the sex of a young chicken until it is fully grown, You can determine if it is a rooster by the long tail, big waddles and, big comb. You can determine a hen by the small body and lays eggs.

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15y ago

The easiest and best method of sexing chickens by the novice small flock owner is to care for the birds until they begin showing the natural secondary characteristics of their gender. In males, the combs and wattles will quickly become larger than those on females and the head will become more angular and masculine looking. The female will remain smaller than the male and is more refined or feminine looking. At about two months old and if the chickens are free range, tossing something over their heads will produce a noticeable reaction that will help you identify the gender. The hens will put their heads down and remain still, the roosters among the flock will look up and run around looking for the perceived danger.

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13y ago

by its thingymagige'='.................................................................. jokes actually i don`t know

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11y ago

FIRST of all a female is a hen and a male is a rooster and you can tell by what they look like.

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