Garum a sauce made from rotten fish
You can tell if Meat is rotten if it looks brused in some spots or a brownish color.
It stinks.
Rotten ones will be mushy. slimy, and smell like a compost heap.
If its rotten
It will smell like shrimp or just smell really bad it smells like a rotten egg.
Rotten ground beef will smell bad. It may change color. It may even grow hair. A kitchen rule of thumb is that if you think it is rotten, do not eat it.
Go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200.
Spinach and tomatoes cooked together WILL NOT create kidneystones (as far as scientific research can tell).
you pick them up and hover the pointer over them
When you eat it, you'll become violently ill-lol.