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but ter

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Q: How do you syllabic ate the word butter?
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How can you use the word syllabic in sentence form?

you learn syllabic words in language arts

Bi syllabic word for play?


Can you give an example of a sentence using the word loaf?

I just ate a delicious loaf of bread with butter.

Is the word ugly one syllable?

No, it happens to be a bi-syllabic word, containing two syllables. Yes and No are mono-syllabic, containing only one.

What is an octosyllabic word?

octo = eight ; syllabic = syllables. A word that has eight syllables.

Is the word cupboard a syllable word?

Yes, cupboard is syllabic. It has two syllables.

What is the syllables for vaccine?

The syllabic breakdown of the word vaccine is vac-CINE.

What is syllabic intensity?

It's the average number of syllables per word.

What is the comparative and superlative of fatbatvulnensible?

I'm not familiar with the word, but the comparative form of multi-syllabic adjectives is formed by adding the word "more" in front of it. The superlative form of multi-syllabic adjectives is formed by adding the word "most" in front of it.

What is the contraction of 'I would'?

The contraction of I would is I'd. For example:I would get the butter but Tommy ate it all up.I'd get the butter but Tommy ate it all up.

What is mono syllabic word?

A word with one syllable. Like: cat dog These words have two syllables: chicken gerbel

How do you divide the word crossing?

Cross - ing and cros - sing are both acceptable syllabic divisions.