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Stored in a cool dry place, Milky Spore has an unlimited shelf life.

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How are Japanese beetles controlled?

You can get Japanese Beetle control by using Milky Spore Powder.

Where to find spore hero?

in the EA store

What are methods to control Japanese Beetles?

Milky spore, as a type of insecticide, is a method that is used to control Japanese beetles.

What methods are used to control beetle?

Milky spore, as a type of insecticide, is a method that is used to control Japanese beetles.

How get spore?

to get spore you just buy ityou can either download online (EA store) or go to your nearest games store (I got mine at best buy)

Where can you download a free version of spore origins for iPod Classic?

go on the app store you will see free spore origins

What is Milky Spore Powder?

milky spore disease, a natual powder, targets and discriminately works to attack the white grubs of Japanese Beetles. Spreads naturally as each infected beetle larvae dies, decomposes and releases billions of new spores into the soil. One application lasts up to 20 years. works best in heated areas(above 50) and all you need is a little of it to cover your lawn plus it won't hart you or your pets,most people sell them online for $15-$30 I sell it too if u need some send me a

How much is spore?

Spore for Mac is available for purchase on the Mac App Store for $29.99. Other than the App Store Spore can also be purchased from a number of other digital retailers such as Steam and Origin for the same price. Mac App Store - $29.99 Steam - $29.99 Origin - $29.99

Is spore creature creator compatible with the Ipad?

If it's on the thing you buy apps on, then probably. If not, then no.

Do grubs turn into Japanese Beetles?

Yes they do this each year. You can stop it from happening by using Milky Spore. It kills the Japanese beetle grubs before they emerge into adults.

Where can you get the original spore?

At Best Buy, Target, or any local store that sells PC games.

Is spore being sold at gamecrazy?

Nothing is being sold there because the store have all closed.