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you cannot. an angelfish is sometimes very aggressive and territorial. Maybe your tank is too small.

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Q: How do you stop your angelfish from ramming other fish?
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When do angelfish stop eating?

Type your answer here... when it is fat and laying down

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If you are at the point to where your other fish's life is in danger, consider moving them to different tanks.

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put them in a separate tank

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its unlikely you can stop a fish from eating another fish without taking that fish that's being eaten out of the fish tank.

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you cant. you have to remove the fish before it does further damage to other fish.

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You don't. Those fish are bred and born to fight each other. Keep them in seperate tanks. Sorry :(

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it shouldn't. U c, if the tank already has 16 other fish it shouldn't stop playing so don't worry.

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Fish do not die when they stop moving. Infact, they sleep NOT moving.

How was an angelfish born?

Under normal conditions they develop from an egg that has been laid on a suitable surface with several hundred other eggs. The parent fish will fan and create a water current over the eggs and keep them clean to stop fungus damaging them. When the eggs become tiny fry, the parents will look after and protect them until they are large enough to go off and look after themselves.

Can you stop your betta fish from biting each other?

Yes, if you separate them for 1 week in a tank with a clear divider.

How do you get your fish to stop pestering the other ones?

That depends on the Betta fish. If it's just a bit of a nuisance, Some time in it a separate container could stop this problem. But if your betta is so aggressive, so hostile, it seriously injures the other fish in the community, than you have no choice but to buy an Breeder Box and keep the betta in there. Or buy a separate tank for the betta entirely. A Fightn' Fish Fact: Female Betta fish can be aggressive too. It's just less likely.

How do you stop fish eating their fry?

Have you tried a fine netting? My MIL bought some invisible clear plastic netting and laid it down over the top of her pond. Stopped the birds but didn't stop the raccoons. She stopped the raccoons with a motion detection light.