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Sit down and eat with your family and then throw up or get involved with afterschool programs so you can skip the big family meals either way you're literary killing youself and afterward you will end up gaining more weight because everything you eat will be stored as fat. I don't eat a lot and I always feel sleepy so I mostly end up bingeing a lot and gaining weight than I try loosing it so it's really just a yo-yo diet,,, unless you're thinking about modeling don't do it It's America.... you can't help but gain weight!!!!!!!!!

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Q: How do you starve myself when your parents force you to eat?
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How do you starve yourself when your parents force you to eat?

You don't. Starving yourself is a form of self-harm, and it is your parents' responsibility to prevent you from hurting yourself. Hopefully you will learn that starvation is harming your body permanently. There are much better and healthier ways to lose weight, if that is your goal.

Should you eat?

Yes. If you don't eat, you will starve and die.Yes. If you don't eat, you will starve and die.

I'm always full but I have to force myself to eat so my parents dont think I'm becoming aneroxic again. What do you do?

You could monitor the number of calories you eat. This would provide an objective measurement of if you are eating a healthy amount.

Alexandrine parakeet is not eating and getting weaker?

Do nothing just force him to eat or leave food in a bowl that will make him eat the food when he starve. You can offer him ice cream if he eat food. ;)

Do you eat for lunch?

no, i starve for the whole day until tomorrow. then i starve again

What if your scorpion won't eat?

it will starve

How do you starve you self right?

Don't eat.

Why should kids always eat because their parents tell them to?

the same reason everyone else eats. to stay healthy, to get rid of your hunger, and also... to obey your parents. :D a person becomes unhealthy if they starve themself. dont do it.

What happened if you don't eat thing?

you will starve to daeth.

What food do people in lesotho eat?

They starve to death

What might happen if you do not eat food?

You will starve to death.

What happens if eagles don't eat?

They will starve and die.