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To ship a betta fish you will need these things.

-two fish bags

-one cardboard box

-styrofoam pieces

-bubble wrap or styrofoam peanuts



-heat pack

-and of course a fish

step 1-cut your styrofoam slabs so that they line the whole box bottom top and sides tape or glue i place.

step 2-place your betta in bag one use water from his tank to reduse stress fillthe bag with as much air possible (using an air pump helps) tie the top then flip the bag so the knot is pointing down and put it in the second bag tie it shut.

step 3-fill the box with styrofoam peanuts or wrap the fish in the bag snuggly with bubble wrap and place fish in the box cover it with the styrofoam peanuts.

step 4-take the heat pack out of the package and activate it wrap it in newspaper and tape to the top of the box.

step 5-make sure the fish is snuggly in the box and that he won't move around too much then seal the box you may write live fish or fragile on the box.

send your little guy off to his new home.

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