Your little darling = Dein kleiner Liebling Your loving cupcake = Dein Dich liebendes Törtchen (not an expression a German speaker would use!)
'' ich liebe dich mein kleiner honigkuchen'' (there is no word for cupcake in the german language and it wouldnt be used in the same sense as americans use it so the closest word would be ''honigkuchen'' which would be used in that sense.)
Just "cupcake" 컵케익
there's no specific word for cupcake you may say: пирожное
Fluffy cupcake - Soffici articolo Fluffy cupcakes - Soffici del
Kappu keeki
To get into the cupcake stage with your boyfriend simply organize a date with him.
sonho - muffin was the closest I could get
To say cupcake in Italian, it's still cupcake, but pronounced koo-pay-kak-eh, or something like that. It's just like French, cupcake translated to French is spelt cupcake. But it is pronounced koop-kack, something like that. So there you go!
anything its hard to say!