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you need: fertile soil, space, sunlight, and time to water it everyday

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Q: How do you plant apple seeds straight out of the apple core?
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Related questions

What is the purpose of the core in the apple that we eat?

The core contains the seeds of the apple, and it is in the best interest of the plant that it discourage you from eating them.

Is an apple a seed?

No-- An apple is the fruit of a plant. The seeds for apple trees are on the inside of the apple fruit in what is commonly known as "the core" no it is not, but apples produce seeds.

Where the seeds in the apple located?

in the core

What is the center of the apple?

The object at the center of a peach can be called a pit or a stone.

Is apple a seed plant?

Yes, apple trees are seed plants. The seeds of an apple tree are found within the fruit, and these seeds are used for reproduction and propagation of the species.

What is the difference between apple seeds and sunflower seeds?

Apple seeds are found inside the core of an apple and are primarily used for reproduction, whereas sunflower seeds are the edible fruit of the sunflower plant and are commonly consumed as a snack or used in cooking. Apple seeds contain a compound called amygdalin, which can release cyanide when metabolized, while sunflower seeds are safe for consumption.

Does the bigger the apple affect the number of apple seeds?

yes, because the bigger the apple= a bigger core,or, pit, and that is where the seeds are stored inside the apple and therefore, the apple has more seeds. :)

Middle of an apple?

The middle of the apple is the core. There are also seeds near the middle of the apple.

What is the inside of an apple called?

The inside of an apple is called the flesh or fruit. It is the edible part of the apple that surrounds the core and seeds.

How do you get apple seed?

To get apple seeds, simply remove them from the core of an apple fruit. You can either eat an apple and save the seeds or extract the seeds from a sliced apple. Clean the seeds and allow them to dry before storing or planting.

Where are the seeds of the apples?

The seeds of the apples are in the center of the core, which is the very center. The apple grows from the core which is why the core is hard and you can't really eat it.

What is the middle part of an apple called?

The middle part of an apple is called the core, which has around 2-3 small brownish seeds.