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There Is actually no way to make your hamster chew a toy, if your hamster feels its teeth need to be trimmed they with start chewing things. Hamsters often chose to chew on the Bars of the cage as it grinds their teeth really quick. I have got 2 Syrians and a Roborovski Dwarf, only 1 of the Syrians decide to chew. Eating their food also grinds their teeth down from time to time.

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13y ago

You can give it a chew toy, but my hamster never chews his chew toy...If that doesn't work, I would suggest getting a plastic wheel - they are also better for the hamsters' feet

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What should you do you want to go to sleep but you can hear your hamster biting on cage?

Get him a chew toy

How do you get those hamster chew toy off the cage?

Untwist it or pull from one side then the other.

What kind of hamster chew toy works the best Ive tried wood salt hard chew toys chew block he doesnt like it he only likes treats which are unhealthy he is a teddy bear hamster?

try giving him fresh veggies and fruit but always make sure to wash them and stay away from acidic fruits (oranges...)

Can black bear hamsters chew on cardboard?

Any hamster can chew on cardboard. Just be careful and make sure the hamster is safe so he doesn't chew a hole out of it to escape or whatever :)))

What should you put in your mouse's cage for it to play with?

i would say a hamster wheel a chew log or a cat toy ball with a bell in it.

How often should i replace my hamster's wooden house toy I have had it for a year and a half so i think it is time for replacing...?

It's a good idea to replace your hamster's wooden house toy every 6-12 months, or when you notice signs of wear and tear like splintering or damage. Hamsters may also appreciate a change in their environment, so introducing a new toy can provide mental stimulation and enrichment.

What is SpongeBob's favorite chew toy?

His favorite chew toy is a ball

Do dogs get on well with a hamster?

If you introduce them when they are both small they might. Other than that the dog (if older) may think it is a running toy and try to chew on it.



Why are toy hamster dangerous?

a toxic chemical compound that is said to be present in the toy hamster

How do you feed a hamster apples?

Bite the apple until you get the core, give the hamster the core but make sure to take the pips out first and it will chew on it

Can hamsters chew through metal?

Hamsters have strong teeth that can chew through thin metal objects, but it is not a common behavior for them. It is important to provide your hamster with appropriate chew toys to keep their teeth healthy and prevent them from chewing on harmful objects.