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The problem is the Gelatin. Most brands of Gummy Bears are made with non-kosher gelatin (manufactured using ingredients derived from the innards of pigs), meaning the candy itself is not kosher. There are, however, a couple of brands made for Jewish and Muslim audiences (Muslims too cannot eat non-kosher gelatin). I enclose a link to one of those brands of kosher Gummy Bears.

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Are there kosher gummy bears?

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Yes gummy bears are squish-able.

How are gummy bear candies made?

Haribo site states that they produce 100 million gummy bears per day.

How many gummy bears in 1 cup?

about 25 gummy bears.

Do gummy bears taste good after you put them in water?

It pretty much tastes the same. Water does have taste but doesn't make the taste of gummy bears better or worse

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Theoretically, gummy bears have no felings. Therefore they couldn't be gay.

How many gummy bears are in a pound?

There are 70 gummy bears in a pound.

What is the difference between Gummy Bears and jujubes?

Gummy bears are food, Gummi Bears is a TV show by Disney.

Where do you find gummy bears?

In a gummy bear packet.