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Q: How do you make a buttermilk baking mix?
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Do they still make Jiffy buttermilk biscuit mixes?

They still make a buttermilk baking mix.

Can you use buttermilk biscuit mix in place of buttermilk baking mix in a recipe?

Stupid question = Stupid answer

Can you use buttermilk for a substition for baking powder?

No, you can substitute buttermilk for milk but not for baking powder.

What happens when you add baking soda to Buttermilk. Does the pH increase or decrease?

When you add baking soda to buttermilk, the pH level increases. Baking soda is basic (alkaline), so it raises the pH of the acidic buttermilk. This reaction helps to neutralize the acid in the buttermilk.

Can buttermilk be used instead of milk in a recipe?

Yes, you can use buttermilk with baking powder.

Can you use buttermilk instead of sour cream in cake recipe?

Buttermilk has a different acidity than whole milk. If used in a cake mix that calls for whole or 2% milk, a teaspoon of baking soda should be added to balance the acid in the buttermilk.

Can you combine baking soda and baking powder to cup cake and what is amount of two?

Baking soda is already an ingredient of baking powder so by mixing the two you would be simply changing the proportion of baking soda to baking powder. It will make no real difference to the outcome if you make up the volume of raising agent the recipe calls for with any proportion of baking powder to baking soda. As a safeguard you may like to add a teaspoon of white vinegar or a tablespoon of yoghurt or buttermilk to a cupcake recipe made with baking soda - the acid in the vinegar/yoghurt/buttermilk will react with the Soda to release carbon dioxide which will make you cupcakes rise.

How do you make goo with baking soda?

first you have to get some rice and mix it with the baking soda to get goo

Can you use buttermilk on your cereal?

I never mix it as I do not

Can yogurt replace buttermilk when baking?

I have used kefir as a straight substitute for commercial buttermilk in making cakes and biscuits - without any problems. I do not know the chemical differences/siimilarities, though.

Can you add baking soda after all cookie ingredients have been mixed?

Yes, you can add baking soda after all other cookie ingredients have been mixed, but make sure to mix it well into the dough to ensure it is evenly distributed. Remember that baking soda activates upon contact with an acid, so ensure that your recipe includes an acid such as buttermilk or lemon juice for proper leavening.

Can you use buttermilk in Yorkshire puddings?

You can most definitely use buttermilk for scalloped potatoes. It will give them a nice flavor. I suggest adding some fresh Rosemary to complement the twang of the buttermilk.