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The first pods will be ready in 50-60 days. Harvest every other day when they are still immature (2-3 inches) long. Use a knife or sharp scissors to cut the stem just above the cap. If the pods are hard and crunchy when you slice them they are not edible as they have gotten tough and over-matured. Throw them away and learn to pick them younger!

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Q: How do you know when to harvest okra?
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Does picking okra burn your hands?

When I pick okra, I do not notice any pain from a burning sensation, however I do notice that my hands feel extremely slick for a few hours after picking okra. If I wash my hands or otherwise get my hands wet, they are very slick, as if I have hand soap suds on them. Have no idea why this is as I purposely do not get any of the sap onto my skin, just the dry okra pods as I harvest.

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Okra and watermelon are native to which other continent?

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What are six different definitions for okra?

The only one I know of is a West African plant whose seed pod is a vegetable eaten on its own or in soups. The Louisiana soup "gumbo" is okra thickened. "Gumbo" derives from a West African word for okra.

What you got when you eat okra?


Can horses safely eat okra?

Don't feed your horse okra until you check with your vet. Okra is in the spinach family and I know spinach has certain toxins in it. Just to be safe ask your vet, and if he gives the 'go-ahead' only feed in small amounts.

What is the inside of Okra?

Seeds are on the inside of okra.