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D'Anjou is a popular winter pear due to its mild, sweet flavor and abundant juice. Neither the red or green variety changes color when ripe so the best way to tell when an D'Anjou is ready is to press gently against the stem end of the fruit. If it gives slightly, your D'Anjou is ripe and ready to be eaten.

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14y ago
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15y ago

Check the neck, to tell if a pear is ripe press gently around the stem of the pear and, if it is ripe, it will give a little.

Information regarding this and numerous other pear related facts, including what time of the year most Pears are ripe and what ripe pears of different types look like, check out the related link attached to this question.

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15y ago

Check the neck, to check if a pear is ready to eat press gently on the flesh around the stem, if ripe, it will give a little.

View the related link to get more pear related information including different types of pears and what times of the year they are in season.

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13y ago

you know when a apple is ripe when it is in full color and is not mushy.

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Why a green apple looks green?

Unless it is actually a green apple, such as the Granny Smith, it is probably not ripe yet.

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Like every other apple tree when they are ripe.

How do you measure apple ripeness?

you could tell this by the redness of the apple and if it is. if it is reddish orange it is not ripe, but is it is just dark red it is ready

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The apple drops from the tree when ripe and is eaten by foraging animals that then spread the seeds in their droppings.

What happens when an apple is green inside?

it just means the apple isn't ripe, and isn't going to be very sweey yet

What is an apple's taste?

Apples taste sweet and sometimes bad if too ripe.

Name a fruit that is green when it's ripe?

Kiwi's and Banana's

How hard is an apple?

Well it all depends if the apple is ripe a hot apple is probally soft. And a cold Apple a hard! I prefer pears tho ! Hope i answered your question

What is color is a pine apple?

They can be several colors, depending on the species. Most are green when growing, and turn yellow/green when ripe. The inside of a ripe pineapple is yellow.