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If your goldfish is lying on its side it may be suffering swim bladder disease. If it is tilted on an angle then you should look at its gills. If the gills are moving then it is alive and if not it is dead. You can also test if it is dead or not by poking it gently on the gills and it should be moving its mouth. If your fish doesn't move its mouth then it is dead. If it is dead DON'T flush it down the toilet because it is really bad try burying it in your backyard. If you do flush it down the toilet it could lead to problems with your toilet or the water system.

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14y ago
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6y ago

When the Fish swims down to the bottom of the water and stays there for an amount of time and doesn't move. Or when it is bent ive had a fished that died like that
If a gold fish is dying it will float or swim on its back.
you will know when your goldfish is dieing because it will start slowly going white.

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15y ago

If Its Not eating. and if its acting weird such as rolling over and back over in the water. and if they look like they're not breathing well. and if they're just sitting there floating down to the bottom(or top) on their side.

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12y ago

If it is lying or slowly swimming on its side then it is dying but if it is lying on its side, or floating belly up and the gills aren't moving then its dead but if its sleeping it will be upright and gills will be moving.

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18y ago

If it isn't moving when you poke at it, then it is dead.

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12y ago

If your fish is dying it will be on the bottom for about 2-6 days then will start randomly floating and later it will sadly die

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13y ago

Usually when your goldfish is laying on its side, it means the goldfish is dead.

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14y ago

The bacteria decomposing it create gasses.

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12y ago

If its upside down in its tank and isn't moving on its own

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Q: How do you know if your goldfish is died?
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I don't know if he has any fish now. But he did have 2 goldfish named Tom & Jerry but they died cause he overfed them. :(

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well, not long. i had a goldfish and it died in like 8 hours.

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I don't know except do not put goldfish in the same tank as anything else the other thing will die. I know from experience. :*(

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He doesn't know how to.

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well I'm guessing you fish is died ???

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How long do goldfish from fairs live?

Goldfish given out as prizes at fairs are usually lethargic, emaciated, and overall just plain out unhealthy. Goldfish from fairs are often not given an appropriate home in which to live and the people who win them are not prepared for their new pet and probally do not know much about goldfish and their needs. For this reason many, many goldfish from fairs have simply died within a week or less after being taken "home". However if given an appropriate home and if nursed back to health goldfish from fairs can live between 10-20 years! I won some goldfish from a fair and we bought a big tank and a filter and they've been alive for a year or so! I went to the same fair and won some more goldfish but they died in 2 days :( so i guess it really depends on how healthy the goldfish are.