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when they are green

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Q: How do you know a banana is ready to pick?
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How do you know when the husk ground cherry tomatoes are ripe and ready to pick?

They are ready when the outside husk turns brown and the inside is yellow. They usually fall off the plant when they are ready and will pick easily too.

How do you know when to pick your dill from the garden?

The stems will be long and the tops will be bushy. If it looks like the picture on the seed packet, it's ready to pick.

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you pick pinto beans when the pods are full and anytime after if you want dried beans you can let them dry on the bush

How is a banana a banana?

I don’t know I guess it just is

How do you know if breadfruit is ripe?

You know when it is ready to pick when:It has a nice reflective sheen to it.Shine of the outside shell.When they are little larger than your hand.The skin has a nice shine to it.It is better to pick them immature as you get a better taste.

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Bulb onions are usually ready to be harvested in late summer, July or August. You can also tell if a bulb onion is ready to be harvested when flowers come from their stalks.

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Do you know when my car will be ready.

How do you know when your ready?

you will know when your ready and when you want to

When is pick you by Justin Bieber released?

the song is called pick me and it is all ready released

How can your banana be yellow?

That means it's ripe and ready to eat. Peel it and eat it. Yum!

When is rhubard ready to pick?

Rhubarb is ready to pick at any time after the leaves appear - as the leaves/stems get older they get past picking as they become tough and stringy.