What is the quickest way to cook the slime out of okra?
The longer one cooks it the thicker the 'slime' will get. This
is one reason okra is often used to thicken soups. However, if you
pan-fry sliced okra in butter or oil on medium, and constantly stir
it, the thick slime will completely dry out. The okra will shrivel
somewhat, but there will be NO slime. This is a long process, but
well worth it. Don't be alarmed if the okra and/or seeds turns dark
or even somewhat green-black. That's gooood eatin'! It will be a
little crunchy and provide that breaded and fried okra taste
without the deep fry.
This method does not work particularly well with frozen okra,
which kind of turns to mush. Fresh is best.