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If you want to harvest yeast for baking purposes, this is an easy method requiring more time than work. Combine 2 cups flour, 2 cups water and 1 tablespoon of sugar in a glass jar or bowl (not plastic). Cover loosely with a cloth and set in a warm area of your kitchen. Check once a day, and when the mixture starts to bubble (in 3-4 days) you have captured yeast! What you have now is a starter. Stir once a day and keep covered until ready to use. Many baked goods can be made from this mixture. Replenished starter can be used many times. The mixture can also be drained, the solids dried and ground to make powdered yeast. That's a little complicated, but good instructions can be found on the internet.

Maybe you want to make starter for beer brewing purposes. A quick internet search reveals that it is evidently possible to make a small batch using the yeast in one bottle of beer, For larger yields, some breweries will give the home brewer some of their runoff yeast for free. More reliable information is available from many sources online. Visiting the website of a local brewery may be a good place to start.

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11y ago
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15y ago

during autumn you can find mushrooms in the forest and toadstool (another type of mushroom)...when you have shipped off about 100 in total the mushroom,toadstool seeds etc... will appear in chens store then you purc\hase the seeds and the on the right hand side of your house you will see about 6 batches of logs stand dirctly in front of one and plant the seeds like normal but remember to water it everyday or sle the mush room qill disappear. hope that helps

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13y ago

Sugar, to feed it.

Hot water, for warmth.

It will grow :p

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12y ago

You can buy packets of baker's yeast, you don't have to grow it or collect it.

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Vesta's Farmers Shop4pm - 7pm, Tuesday through SundayYou can buy Mushroom Spores from Vesta's Farmers Store for 3000 Gold Per Mushroom Spores packet.

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