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The stalks are green at top and still white at base.

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Can I plant celery now?

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Q: How do you harvest celery?
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Related questions

How and when to harvest celery seed from lovage plants?

I have some bad news for you. You can not ever harvest celery seed from a lovage plant. Celery plants produce celery seeds and lovage plants produce lovage seeds.

What is method is used to harvest vegetable crops?

Vegetable crops such as broccoli, asparagus, celery, lettuce, and cabbage are still harvested largely by hand.

What part of speech is celery?

Celery is a noun. A sentence with celery in it is: The celery was mushy. A noun is a person place or thing. Celery is a thing which makes it a noun.

Where can i view a labeled diagram of celery?

Lots of pictures of celery via the Related Link.

What takes more calories to eat than it contains?

celery ! celery ! celery !

Where does celery live?

Celery is grown in the ground; the celery sprouts above the soil.

What is celery stock?

a celery stalk is one long big strip of celery

What is the Tamil word for celery?


Why celery does not have roots?

Celery does have roots.

What is the difference between celery salt and celery powder?

Oh, dude, it's like this: celery salt is a mixture of salt and ground celery seeds, while celery powder is just ground dehydrated celery. So, basically, one has salt in it and the other doesn't. It's like choosing between salty celery or just straight-up celery flavor, you know?

Why do celery sticks have veins?

The celery has veins because the veins help the celery transport nutrians throughout the plant. Have you ever done the experiment when you put a celery in colored water? The celery's veins transport the color throughout the celery. It does this because the celery's veins transport the nutrians, so it does it with the water also.

What is celery in Telugu?

celery in Telugu is "saraswataku".