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Blueberries carry their own seeds. Simply pop them open and squish out the seeds.

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Q: How do you get the seeds out of blueberries?
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Related questions

Are there seeds in bluebarrys?

There are seeds in blueberries, unless they've been cultivated to have none. Nonetheless, wild blueberries always have seeds, or they wouldn't be able to reproduce!

Why do some blueberries have seeds and some do not?

All blueberries contain seeds, though they are not always noticeable depending on the particular species. There are 15 to 20 species of blueberries native to North America, some with larger or more numerous seeds than others, though blueberry seeds tend to be rather soft. To complicate things even more, sometimes huckleberries are referred to as blueberries and huckleberries have noticeable hard seeds (typically 10 per berry). If I had to guess though I would say you probably just had a variety of real blueberries with larger seeds.

How many blueberries per bush?

At least 10 seeds.

Are there gray vegetables?

I know of a blue potato. Blueberries can be used as vegetables, but their juice is more purple than blue. No, blueberries can not be used as vegetables. Blueberries in there natural state they have seeds. Seedless blueberries are genetically modified to have no seeds. This, of course, could trick people into believing that blueberries are naturally seedless, and therefore a vegetable.

Do Blue Berries contain seeds?

Yes, blueberries do contain seeds. These small seeds are found inside the fruit, surrounded by the flesh of the berry.

Do blueberries contain selenium?

No, blueberries do not contain selenium. Selenium is typically found in Brazil nuts, organ meats, seafood, and some seeds.

Are blueberrys seedless?

No, blueberries have very small seeds that are not easy to see or taste.

Do cardinals eat sunflower seeds?

I grow blueberries, and yes I have in fact seen the occasional Cardinal eating them.

What is everything crabs eat?

I have hermit crabs and they will eat about any fruit if you mash it up. (blueberries and stuff that doesn't really have seeds.)

What are the differences of a strawberry and a blueberry?

The huckleberry looks like a black blueberry. It has 10 seeds inside. Blueberries have many seeds inside and are blue. Huckleberry leaves also have yellow sparkles underneath them. Huckleberries are sweeter than blueberries.

Do blueberries have seeds?

Yes, they are located in the center. If you think about it, how else would you plant a blueberry bush?lol(:

What are high fiber foods?

High fiber foods are foods such as bananas, blueberries, apricots, almonds, peanuts, oats, beets, avocados, apples that have the skin on them, and sunflower seeds.