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put a male and a female in the same tank

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Q: How do you get swordtails to breed?
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Can fish breed?

yep if you want to breed fish then don't try bettas because the fight to much. but if you do want to breed fish then id breed either swordtails mollies or guppies

Can you breed fishs?

yep if you want to breed fish then don't try bettas because the fight to much. but if you do want to breed fish then id breed either swordtails mollies or guppies

How do you cross breed fish?

You cant cross breed fish that are different species unless theyre really really closely related, like swordtails and platies. To breed them just put a male and a female together and hope that they breed.

What kind of fish should you breed and is non-aggressive freshwater.?

Guppies, Mollies, Swordtails, Platies, umm.... Look it up

Will a swordtail breed with a mollie?

No they are entirely different species and can not cross breed. Mollies are Poecilia sp. and Swordtails and Plattys are Xiphophorus sp. To cross them would be like crossing a dog with a cow.

What small breed of fish are generally used as feeder fish?

Guppies, mollies, platies, swordtails, ghost shrimp (though not a fish) and comets (though they aren't a small breed) are the most common types.

What are the easiest fish to breed?

well im not entirely sure but i don't belive any freshwater fish are easy to breed. I would not recomend breeding fish unless you do the proper research. you have to know what your doing. if you already did your research the find a breed that you like and breed um up.

Do fish only breed with the same species in an aquarium?

Yes most of the time, I'm referring to mollies mating with mollies, guppies mating with guppies, not mollies mating with guppies. I have seen platies and swordtails bred. There is a reason why this can happen. Platys and Swordtails are from the same Genus (Xiphorous) The Swordtail is X. hellerii. The Platty is X. maculatus.

How old do the female Swordtail need to be to give birth to fry?

well most swordtails get up to 2 inches so id breed them when eaith 1 yr old or a inch and a half

Can you keep neon tetras with swordtails while you are breeding them?

Baby fish are tiny and will usually be eaten if they are left with larger fish. Swordtails will eat their young and adult neon tetras will also eat baby swordtails. You won't be breeding neons.

How do red velvet swordtails mate?


How many babies do swordtails have at a time?

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