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Sometimes when you purchase live plants there are snails on them. In most cases they are so tiny that they look like little stubs on your plants. These snails can be pests and get stuck in your filter.

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13y ago
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11y ago

The best way to get snails in your gold fish aquarium is not to wash any plants you purchase from pet stores. Anything that you put in your aquarium needs to be throughly cleaned with warm tap water. This includes plants.

By throughly cleaning any item before you put it in your tank you prevent contaminating your aquarium's water. Just use regular tap water do not use any cleaners such as soap.

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13y ago

you can go to your nearest pet shop and buy assasin snails they will kill and eat all your other snails and they wont reproduce

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12y ago

Take your fingers or a net and scoop them out!


trust me

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Q: How do you get snails of a fish tank when you have set a fish tank up?
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Should snails live together in a fish bowl?

Absolutley yes. I had about 3 snails in my fish tank, they breed and make more. Make sure that they do not slide up the sides. But apple snails and golden mystery snails love to live in such a habitat. Glad I could help. (:

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no because you just now set it up and it needs to cycle

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With knowlege and all the right equipment a small tank can easily be set up in an hour.

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no its not okay

Why would you eventually have to add water to a tank full of fish snails and plants?

Because some of the water will slowly evaporate and the tank will dry up if no new water is added.

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Provided the tank is clean and has been set up correctly there should be no problems.

Does it matter what type of rocks you use for a fish tank?

It can depending on the set up and desired fish. Need more info.

Will snails eat guppies?

Maybe if they're dead! Snails generally just eat... whatever else the fish don't. Snails will make quick work of a dead fish, though.

Should you remove snail eggs from an aquarium?

First, to get rid of pest snails in aquarium, you must go for the root problem.There is an increase population of pest snails because there is too much food. You must be feeding the fish (or rather the tank) too much. All the leftover food become a feast for the snails. You must not feed the fish more than once a day, and you only need to feed as much as they can finish within a minute. All leftover fish food must be removed immediately by using either a net, or an aquarium vacuum.Second, you can manually get rid of pest snails from the aquarium. Remove them by hand, or use a piece of veggie to set a trap for them. Remove the piece of veggie after there are lots of snails on it. Repeat doing that will quickly lower the snail population.Third, get the snails' natural enemies.You can get puffer, loach, etc. fish who love to feast on snails. There is also assassin snails who are good at eating other species of snails. All these natural predators will get rid of pest snails for you.Apply all 3 methods, you will get rid of your pest snails from the aquarium before you know it.

Where can you buy snails that will clean up algae from triops tank?

Snails will not clean up the algae. Yes they will eat some of the algae and poop a lot and use up oxygen that your fish need but certainly they will not clean the tank. The only way to get rid of the algae is to physically remove it with scrubbers, scrapers and maybe a syphon hose too depending on how bad or thick the algae is.

What do you do if your fish tank really stinks and why does it... ive had the tank set up for about a week with fish in it i know it probably has something to do with cycling the tank...?

Make sure that the filter bag that is in your filter is clean. The cause can also b too many fish or over feeding.

Is a fish tank a machine?

No. A fish tank is simply a container with 3 dimensions, length, width, and height. An aquarium. a tank set up to provide fish and other critters a healthy home, often uses some type of machinery, like a filter or chiller.