Vinegar is not dangerous for the health, also it is recommended.
Vinegar is a problem only for persons with hyperacidity.
Too MUCH of ANTHING can make you sick, but I don't believe it will make you sick otherwise. Apple cider vinegar is a wonderful home remedy for arthritis.
It seems to have made me sick. Not entirely sure if that's what it was, but I'd err on the side of caution and pitch it.
I think it would definitely make you sick.
Drinking vinegar in large amounts wil unbalance your Ph and make you sick. If you think drinking vinegar will allow to consume more alcohol, that's nonsense.
There is no need to "medicate" the hens if they are not sick. Apple cider vinegar works as a "medication" because it cuts the viscosity of mucus and is a natural antibiotic. There are some who use it as a natural antibiotic all the time as a preventative but like all medicine, it becomes less effective as the birds digestive system gets used to it. I treat sick birds with one gallon water = two teaspoons vinegar only when they are ill and only for a maximum of 5 days.
No, vinegar is not toxic, you may be sick if you taste too much at once but it will not harm you, vinegar is used in many foods such as pickled onions, beetroot, cabbage etc, it is in tomato sauce, mayonnaise, brown sauce and many other similar sauces its even dribbled on food such as Fish and Chips to enhance the flavour.
Yes and no. Many conditions make the sufferer feel sick, but not all conditions can be treated or cured.I usually try to eat silver skin onions in a bath of white vinegar.You can get jars of these at most shops. i don't know why, but i think it is because the onion soaks up the vinegar, in its layers. This gets digested and the vinegar stops the acids in your stomach from churning.This is quick, unlike medicines that take hours.
Really no side effects, but if alot was consumed then the person might throw up and feel sick because of the vinegar content.
brown rice vinegar OR Chinese black vinegar (cheaper) OR red wine vinegar + sugar or honey OR sherry vinegar OR fruit vinegar
Malt vinegar, white wine vinegar, white spirit vinegar. Spirit vinegar doesn't taste as good as any of the brewed vinegars. The closest substitute is probably white wine vinegar mixed with an equal quantity of apple juice. Failing that, mix apple juice with malt vinegar. Red wine vinegar would give a taste that you might not want.
Both white vinegar and balsamic vinegar are gluten free. Malt vinegar is not.