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You need to take out the hermit crabs and put them in a diffrent container. take out toys, wood, water dishes, food dish and boil them in water NO SOAP it hurts the hermit crabs. Next you need to take out substrate and get new substrate. wash out tank and leave it to dry in a sunny location. Lastly put all the stuff back in it and add your hermies back in.

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10y ago

Hermit crab cages have to be cleaned and the subtrate has to be replaced from time to time. Wash and rinse all the decorations and boil any empty spare shells for a few minutes. They eat, drink, and poop in their cages. They will get buggy if not maintained.

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Q: How do you get rid of hermit crab cage bugs?
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Why do hermit crabs have bugs when its not dead?

Those bugs are called mites, hermit crabs have mites when their food has n ot been changed or tank not has been cleaned in over six months, or you have REAL plants. Research how to get rid of mites.

Can book lice be found in hermit crab habitates?

Yes, they can. They are not a threat to your crabs, though, and are impossible to get rid of since they can live in the rest of the house.

Do hermit crabs stay in their shells when they molt?

Yes, the hermit crab remains in it's (outer) sea shell/home when it molts. However, when the hermit crab molts it sheds it's old exoskeleton much like a snake sheds it's skin, pushing the old exoskeleton out of the sea shell, and forms a new exoskeleton. The new exoskeleton is soft at first and takes time to harden. The hermit crab's "tail and belly" section remains soft and vulnerable requiring a hard outer shell/sea shell for protection.

Can a land crab from pet-smart carry a disease?

Land hermit crabs do not typically carry diseases that can be transmitted to a human, but they can carry mites- which can transfer to other pets and crabs. To get rid of mites, simply dip your hermit crab into a bowl of room temperature water for a few seconds with their opening facing upward. The mites should float out.

Is it common that a gerbil has bugs on it or in it's cage?

Yea it could be possible. Unless of course you are to bath it regularly and make sure that it and it's cage are clean. It isn't always the case. Do you take this gerbil outside at all? If so, yes it could have bugs. To get rid of this just simply give the gerbil and it's cage a good cleaning.

Can hermit crabs live on rocks?

oh yes. they are pro escape artists and will find all sorts of crazy ways to get out of the tank and explore. hermit crabs are very smart. They can find some tricky way to get out. make sure you have the proper top for you tank unless you want to find a hermit crab on your bed.

What will happen if you feed a hermit crab human food?

A dog may try to eat a hermit crab if it is not moving and pinching. The dog may like the taste of the crab or he may not. If the crab pinches the dog's mouth, likely the dog will let go.

What should you do when your hermit crab is molting?

The best thing to do is leave it alone. Make sure you have at least 3 inches of substrate (sand; coconut bedding; etc.) to molt/also known as shedding it's outer skin. Once your hermit crab is finished molting do NOT remove it's previous exoskeleton. Hermit crabs eat their old exoskeleton so their new exoskeleton will harden. Make sure your hermit crab is in an isolated tank (meaning there are no other crabs in the tank) during the molting process. Once your hermit crab has finished the entire molting process, let him rest for a while in the isolated tank and when it's up and moving again you can put your hermit crab back into its normal page

What if I don't have a cage for my hamster?

get rid of the hamster or buy a cage for it!!

Could you get rid of bad bugs?

The correct form of languge is bed bugs. Then,you get rid of your matress and anything else with bed bugs

How do hermit crabs urinate?

Hermit crabs do not 'go to the bathroom'. In other words hermit crabs DO NOT POO. I have had hermit crabs, and I know they definitely don't poo. Hermit crabs use all the energy and nutrients from their food and turn it into vitamins for the body. Hermit crabs are great pets, as there is no stinky poo to clean out!!!

Can strawbarry hermit crabs get mites?

hermit crabs do get worms. the worms that inhabit their shells are known as polycheate (poly-keet) worms or bristle worms. they are not a pest, as they do not feed off the crab. the worms feed when the crab feeds, sharing it's meal. this is known as mutual respect. some hermit crabs actually have an anemone to ward off predators and in turn shares food with the crab.