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Keep it is a dry place, with low humidity. MOisture in the air will make the drying process slower. Also, keep the temperature about average. Too hot won't allow it to dry, too cool might not allow it to set up or will change the consistancy of it. Then just leave it to air dry.

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Q: How do you get painted on fondant gel to dry?
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How do you get a beige fondant color?

I just use very little brown gel paste coloring. You can also add a little ivory food color to your fondant.

Why silica gel is called a gel?

It starts out as a gel when it's first synthesized, then it's left to dry.

Will the sun help to dry fondant?

No. Because of the heat, it will melt. Believe me, I've tried it. You can chill it or keep it under room temp to dry it.

What is the function of a silica gel in a circuit?

Property of Silica gel is to absorb the moisture. Colour of dry silica gel is blue and it turns into pink when it is saturated with moisture. When the colour of silica gel turns out pink, the wet silica gel is removed and the fresh silica gel is filled. The wet silica gel can be heated and made dry for reuse.

Will Sharpie gel highlighter dry?

Yes, though it is not instantaneously dry when use it.

Does gel work best on wet or dry hair?

Usually wet hair, but it depends on the gel.

Do objects painted black dry faster than painted white?

yes objects painted black dry faster than those painted white because the black absorbs more heat than the white

Can you make fondant 3 days before you use it?

Yes. As long as you seal it in a ziploc or an airtight container, it will not dry out.

What is the chemical composition of silica gel?

If dry, silica gel is almost pure silicon dioxide, SiO2.

What is a strong hair gel that does not dry hair?


Does putting gel in dry hair look bad?


What do you use to scrunch your hair?

you get hair gel and have wet hair and take some gel OR mouse and squeeze and curl! after your done you blow dry or let it dry natural.