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You should not force a hermit crab completely out of their shell because they would rather die then be forced out of their shell

But if you want to know how to make their legs and eyes and anntenue so they will walk around then you could try lifting up their shell or gently squirting them with a spritz bottle filled with dechlorinated

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12y ago
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13y ago

You cant really get it out. If it wont come out it is most likely sleeping or maybe its new to its home and needs to get used to it. My hermit crab only comes out when its alone and if you come in slowely it will stay out. On the other hand my sisters crab comes out if you just get a squirt bottle and lightly spray it. It really depends on your crab if its shy it might need to be alone for a while before coming out. So experiment maybe leave it alone for an hour and see what happens or spray a little water on it just give it time.

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13y ago

If your hermit crab won't come out of its shell it is probably scared. NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU PULL YOUR CRAB OUT HE WILL STAY IN AND YOU WILL RIP HIM APART! When I want my hermit crab to come out of its shell i put it in warm water after 15 seconds pull him out and put him on a dry surface. this usually works.

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13y ago

the hermit crab will come out when it gets to big for the shell its in and will change shells. Don't ever try to force a hermit crab out of it's shell. It needs the shell to protect it's soft abdomen, and will often resist to the point that he will die before giving up his shell.

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16y ago

For me, I have one hermit crab that likes to be rocked side to side to come out. However, my other crab likes it when I blow air into the shell. Each crab is different so experiment.

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13y ago

set the shell on your palm of your hand and make the top of the shell face up

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14y ago

All you have to do is buy bigger shells at a local pet store and set them in the tank. After the crab is confident it will come out of its shell and go into another.

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What I know of that is hermit crabs will eat snails. However, hermit crabs will often use an empty shell of a sea snail.

How do you get hermit crabs out of the shell?

break the shell just kiddin

How are hermit crabs protected when they have no shell?

They aren't; they need a shell.

How many antennas do hermit crabs have?

two when they come ou tof their shell...hope that helps!!

Why do hermit crabs come out of their shells?

To change into a new shell or to mate. If not for these reasons, it is very sick

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