yes you can use aluminium cake dish in baking mode in oven
Yes, you would spray (grease) a glass dish when baking cheese cake. But the proper pan for cheesecake is a metal spring-form pan. This is a round cake pan with sides that can be removed from the base.
A cakepan is a dish or mould used for baking a cake.
Yes, both cornbread and scones can be baked in glass baking dishes.
Yes, how much, depends on the thickness.
Yes, when you cook with a glass bowl, it might crack when overheated.
When using glass baking dishes the temperature is usually lowered about 25 degrees F.
The cake is baking in the oven.
You are not likely to find a rectangular dish with a glass lid. Try Corningware. has a large selection of cooking pans.
How does one get burnt baking food off a stainless steel baking tin? cake left in the oven cooking for hours result: black burnt residue.
It is a cake It is a cake