

How do you feed a fish a pea?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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12y ago

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There are several ways you can prepare peas for your goldfish. These peas cure constipation, and I noticed that sometimes they can help cure swim bladder disease. Here are the two ways I saw on the web, but I prefer #2, though it takes more time, because they peas get way more mushier than #1:

How to prepare peas for Your Goldfish:

#1: The Microwave Way:

  1. Take the frozen peas from the freezer. Take the amount of peas you need. Replace the rest of the peas back into the freezer.
  2. Get a small microwave-tolerant bowl.
  3. Put some water into it. It can be hot water (if you want the peas to be mushier) or cold.
  4. Put the peas into the bowl with the water.
  5. Place the bowl with the peas and the water into the microwave.
  6. Microwave the bowl for 1-2 minutes.
  7. Take out the bowl.
  8. Squish the pea so the insides all come out. It should be considerably cooked or mushy. Seperate into small pieces and feed the insides to fish.

#2: The Boiling Way

  1. Once again take the frozen peas from the freezer and take the amount of peas you need.
  2. Put water into a pot.
  3. Add frozen peas into pot.
  4. Place pot with water and peas onto an electric oven.
  5. Boil until the peas look cooked and the water is boiling like crazy.
  6. Remove the peas from the pot and place onto another plate.
  7. You can let it cool down.
  8. Squeeze the insides of the peas out. Seperate into little pieces and feed to fish.

So I always to #2, but if you don't have a lot of time you can do #1. It works. I just find that my goldfish eat #2 peas a lot more vigorously. =) I hope I have been some help! =)

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14y ago

You really feed them the same way you feed your goldfish normal fish food. Just make sure that you are feeding the insides of boiled peas, because I heard they have a hard time digesting the cover of the peas. It would be easier for them to eat if you break them up into tiny pieces so they go into their mouths easily. Then just plop a few into your fish tank, and watch as your goldfish swims up to nip or swallow the little pieces of pea up! =)

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12y ago

by putting it in there mouth

When you feed a fish a pea you need to boil the pea. Then you need to peel it (so it is eastier for the fishy to eat it). Then let it cool down. This has worked for me i hope it works for you!

or you can use the technique I use for my goidfish. I feed them mashed peas.

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11y ago

garden peas

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