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Functioning mouth.



1. Open the can/box/bag/ of spinach.

2. Make sure it is cooked and/or not rotten.

3. Take the fork in your hand.

4. Dip the fork in the can/box/bag of spinach.

5. Open your mouth and put the end of the fork with the spinach on it in your mouth.

6. Close your mouth and slide the fork out.

7. Move your jaw up and down with the spinach in it to chew.

8. Once chewed into mush, you may swallow.

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12y ago
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13y ago

Many vegetable can be eaten raw. If you don't like them raw you can boil them, broil them, grill them or mix them in scrambled eggs, wrap them in bread or mix them with meat or pasta.

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10y ago

You would normally eat a salad with a fork, stabbing the bits of greens and vegetables with the fork tongs and eating them off the fork.

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