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Eat every kind of cereal.

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Q: How do you do get Tour de cereal achievement on more breakfast?
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How do you get the achievement tour de donuts on more breakfast?

eat all the dounts

How do you do get blueberry combo achievement on more breakfast?

eat eat be fat

How Do you get the bagel master achievement on more breakfast?

Toast all the types of bagels

How do you get wakey wakey achievement on more breakfast?

Just fry eggs and bacon! :)

What does the cereal diet include?

While there are different variations of a cereal diet, typically these diets involve eating cereal for both breakfast, lunch and snacks. One can find more information about cereal diets from dieting websites.

What is Brett Favre favorite cereal?

Brett Favre likes any kind of flake cereal. But more often than not Brett chooses waffles for breakfast.

How do you earn the achievement on the Italian job on more breakfast?

eat one slice of cold pizza.

How do you get breakfast for a bunny on more breakfast?

Pour carrot juice. After its done pouring, go back to the table and a bunny will appear at the bottom left corner. Click on it and you get the " Breakfast for a Bunny" achievement.

What would cause a higher chance of having a male child?

Eating more than 2 bowls of breakfast cereal per week, or having hepatitis. (Not joking). But if you are going to try one, just try the breakfast cereal one.

What is the eggs Benedict achievement on more breakfast?

i dont really suggest my answer but i say its carbon emotion on the spaces of determs...

What is the blueberry combo achievement on more breakfast?

Answer: Make the following: Blueberry Waffles, Blueberry Bagle, and Blueberry Pancake

Why might i find metal in my cereal?

Breakfast cereals are known to be fortified with minerals and vitamins with metallic origin. For example, your cereal may have magnesium or iron in it. The cereal company intentionally puts these metallic ingredients in micro amounts to help make a more complete breakfast.