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one way to determine the gender of a crayfish is to look at the first 2 pairs of swimmerets. The males are longer and prong shaped

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Q: How do you determine the gender of a crayfish?
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How can the gender of a crayfish be determined?

The gender of a crayfish is typically determined by examining the swimmerets on the underside of their abdomen. In general, male crayfish have larger, more prominent swimmerets compared to females. Males also have a pair of specialized hard structures called gonopods on their first pair of swimmerets.

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They use both genders but generally, the males have more meat.

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the way you determine a turtles gender is by looking at the claws males have longer claws then femals do ps hoped this helped.

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The genes that determines gender can be found in the Y chromosome.

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There is no such thing as a gender predictor you will need to wait until the hospital discloses the information to you on her next scan, this will be the point in which you can determine the babies gender.

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A skeleton does NOT determine gender. The chromosomes of an individual do that. However it is usually possible to determine the gender of a human skeleton by examination of the width of the pelvissciatic notchventral arca protrusions from the skull are more marked in males than femalesheight of the skeletonbone thickness (robustness)gracility of the skeleton

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"Avi" is typically a gender-neutral name and can be used for people of any gender. Without more context or information, it is not possible to determine the gender of someone named Avi.

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Genetic chromosomes

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How do you determine the gender of cichlids?

you determin it by the chromosomes hope that help ypu