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Dropsy isn't a disease in itself. It is a symptom of another problem. The only thing you can do for dropsy is treat with a strong medication. I would use Maracyn I and Maracyn II in combination and keep the water very clean. That is your best bet.

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Q: How do you cure a Siamese fighter fish when he is dropsy?
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How can you cure dropsy?

To my knowedge there is no proven cure for dropsy. Some pet shops carry medications that 'claim' to cure almost every disease and problem including dropsy but I have never heard of them working successfully on dropsy. I would euthanase the fish.

What type of creature is a Siamese fighter?

Siamese Fighters are a type of fish, also known as Betta.

What does a Siamese fighting fish symbolize?

Beautiful Warrior ( Fighter )

What are baby Siamese fighter fish called?

Yes, yes it can!

Is Betta fish same as fighting fish?

Yes. The Betta splendens (scientific name) known also by its common names Siamese Fighting-Fish and the Siamese Fighter.

What are awesome Siamese fighting fish names?

slash,bam bam , and fighter

How does a Siamese fighter fish normally act?

If there are bubbles around the top of the bowl, it means your fish is happy :)

Why would a Siamese fighting fish not be able to swim to the bottom of the bowl and only float like a cork?

because it has dropsy or bloating. You need to get some meds for it.

What are a few breeds of fish?

Clown loach tiger loach mollies sunset guppies angelfish puff fish Siamese fighter fish

Can fighter fish live in cold water?

Siamese fighters (Betta splendens) are a tropical fish and need to be kept at around 78F.

Fish fighter lies in the tank with other fish?

Betta splendens (Siamese Fighters) usually find a quiet corner to hang out in. They are not active fish.

Will a Siamese fighter fish grow its tail back?

yes and it might take awhile but it will grow back