You have to remove the paper label so it won't burn but that is not as important as first puncturing the top of the can. If you don't at least poke a hole in the top of the can, it will build up pressure and explode, sending hot beans all over the place and anyone standing nearby. Anything in a can that is not vented and placed on a heat source will explode and send the contents flying. I have found that it is best to use a can opener and open the lid leaving a little unopened. You will need to stir the beans or they will burn to the bottom of the can. With the lid still attached you can close the lid to keep ashes out of your beans and when you take it off the fire, lift the lid up and use it as a handle. The can and the lid will be HOT so be careful. I've eaten many a can of beans that were cooked over a fire. For some reason they just taste better over a fire.
Baked beans are made and baked before they are put into a tin. They are then put into a tin and sold to people to cook either in the microwave or on the top of the cooker, (hobs). Beans are then ate and are made into very smelly gas!!!
Baked beans in a can are already cooked all you need to do is heat them, 20 to 30 minutes in a slow cooker should be enough.
The Appropriate Collective Noun for "Baked Beans," Is a Halm Of Baked Beans
beans that are baked
The best way to make baked beans is in a slow cooker. Add 4 to 5 cans of beans, ketchup, brown sugar, Worcestershire sauce, and bacon. Cook on low heat for 4 to 5 hours.
Well, Baked beans are baked plain old beans and Pork and Beans is like beans with Pork in them..
The best way to thicken canned baked beans is to bring them to a boil, reduce the heat, and cook until some of the liquid had cooked away. Stir the beans often to avoid them sticking in the bottom of the pan.
Baked beans are not bad for you.
Baked beans are vegtables.
No. For one thing, baked beans do not necessarily contain pork. Also, baked beans are generally sweeter than pork and beans.
Baked Beans come from a plant. Then they come from a tin. The tin with those beans, can be purchased in a shop. More information: Baked beans begin as beans which grow on a vine. The beans are shelled and then dried. Some are processed in factories and sold as canned baked beans. Others are packaged as dried beans, which can then be cooked into baked beans by home cooks.
cooked bacon, cooked sausuage and baked beans also tandori chicken