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I decided to answer this question because nobody had answered it yet and i thought it might be helpful well here is my story...

my friend and i were playing at a creek and i found a crayfish and i picked it up. the crayfish had dozens of baby crayfish hanging onto her well.. err... um ...butt. two of the babys fell off and were caried down sream we put the momma back and raced down the creek to find them when we did we took them back to her house and she kpt one and i kept the other. i named mine Loki (cute huh) i was debating Sparta but decided not to. we looked up some stuff on line and this is what we found the most helpful

What they eat:

dried seeweed



fish food

turtle food

and finely chopped veggies (when there older.)


if your going to keep a crayfish do not i repeat do not house them together. Believe me i found out the hard way... poor Toki(lokis brother) ... sniff sniff oh well bad things can happen.

You should house a single adult crayfish in a ten gallon tank or bigger. as for housing them with other animals that is a no no the crayfish will kill anything it can get its hands on... um claws on i guess.

well overall crayfish make good pets ill tell you how lokis doin if you type in the question how is loki doing ill update you in a couple of days now

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11y ago

Red Swamp Crays are completely aquatic. They need an air pump, they eat anything such as worms fish etc. They are quite aggressive, although mine isn't that aggressive. You should change there water atleast once a week. I use tap water, it doesn't seem to affect my cray. Minimum tank size I would recommend is 5 gallon. Good luck!!!

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In the water

What is the scientific name for crayfish?

There are several hundred different species of crayfish around the world. The most common one in US seafood markets and restaurants is the red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, most of which come from Louisiana.

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The scientific or taxonomic name would be Procambarus clarkii.

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What was the first animal to live in a swamp?

Crayfish but not the type you would eat

What living organisms can be found in swamp water?

Alligators Crocodiles Anacondas Crayfish Cougars etc... It just depends on where the swamp is.

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There are a couple hundred different species of crayfish, but the one most commonly eaten in the US is the red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii), about 95% of which come from Louisiana.

How do you care for a injured crayfish?

Eat it.

What do black swamp snakes eat?

Rats, mice, frogs, crayfish, and any other animals that will fit in their mouths.

What color of blood do crayfish have?
