You cannot 'heck' Chicken Smoothie.
There are no unlockable achievements on Chicken Smoothie.
There is no limit on the amount of pets you can own on Chicken Smoothie.
Chicken smoothie!?
Chicken Smoothie is owned by two individuals called Tess and Nick.
The rarest pet available on Chicken Smoothie are the natural coloured zebras.
Chicken Smoothie doesn't have a phone number; any problems or queries you have need to be directed to the Chicken Smoothie help desk.
No. Club Penguin is run by a company (Disney) whereas Chicken Smoothie is run by two siblings.
With the exception of being able to dress your pets up with items you cannot interact with Chicken Smoothie pets.
Yulynh on the animals means that they are animals made by yulynh c: -scarlettpeople add me on Chicken Smoothie :D.
All forms of cheating will result in a ban. Once you're banned you lose all your pets and have to re-start your collection. I would highly recommend not asking this.
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